Editorial quintaesencia
Editorial quintaesencia

editorial quintaesencia

On 15 November 2014, he was chosen as one of the 11 members of the Council of Coordination of Podemos, commissioned to the post of Secretary of Policy of the party executive board.

#Editorial quintaesencia tv#

Įrrejón himself became one of the most prominent Podemos politicians in terms of public profile, featuring in TV shows like La Sexta noche. The campaign was a success, and the new party won 1.2 million votes. In 2014, Pablo Iglesias appointed Errejón as campaign manager for Podemos in the European Parliament elections of 2014. Podemos Įrrejón at the presentation of Podemos in January 2014 in Madrid. He was a member of the editorial board of the political analysis journal Viento Sur, linked to IZAN. He later became a member of Consultative Board of the Strategic Latin American Centre of Geopolitics (CELAG). He also collaborated with the GIS XXI Foundation (a polling firm linked to the Venezuelan government) and was appointed as director of its Political Identities research line. He worked as a secretary for CEPS and was a member of its executive board. Įrrejón began working for Center for Political and Social Studies Foundation (CEPS), a socialist, anti-capitalist think tank in Spain that performed the majority of its work in Latin America. In 2012, he earned a PhD degree in Political Science after writing a dissertation titled La lucha por la hegemonía durante el primer gobierno del MAS en Bolivia (2006-2009): un análisis discursivo, dealing with the political discourse during the first mandate in power of Bolivia's Movement for Socialism (MAS), and supervised by Heriberto Cairo Carou. While preparing his doctoral thesis, Errejón stayed at the University of California, Los Angeles from 2007 to 2008 (under a visit coordinated by John Agnew), the University of Bologna (2010) and the Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales in Ecuador (2011). During his time at university, he was a part of social movements linked to civil disobedience in Madrid. He studied at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), where he earned a licentiate degree in Political Science in 2006.

editorial quintaesencia

In 2006, he helped to found Contrapoder, a student association described as anticapitalist or anti-establishment. Initially close to the political tradition of libertarian marxism, Errejón started his political activity as activist in the "Colectivo 1984" in Pozuelo de Alarcón. Įrrejón was a scout during his teenage years. His father, a Marxist who had been a member of the Workers' Party, became one of the signatories of the 1983 Tenerife Manifesto (the text which marked the birth of the Greens in Spain) and much later in time, also a member of Izquierda Anticapitalista (IZAN). Biography Early life and education īorn on 14 December 1983 in Madrid, Íñigo Errejón is the son of José Antonio Errejón Villacieros (a public servant in the Spanish Central Administration who held senior positions in different ministries) and María de los Ángeles Galván (a biologist).

Editorial quintaesencia